Best way to use a Bubbler to Enjoy Smoke Dabs or Weed

Before we start talking about the best ways to use bubblers , let us talk about what bubblers actually are. So in simple terms, a bubbler is a handheld water bong. A bubbler consists of a mouthpiece, a bowl, stem, and a water chamber. However, the bowls are fixed in place and cannot be removed. But the portability of this device makes it worth it. You can say that a bubbler is a mix of a water bong and a spoon pipe. How does it work? A bubbler contains a tube that goes down towards the water reservoir, and on top, there is a bowl where you may place your cannabis. When you inhale through the mouthpiece, the smoke is carried down towards the water, where it is cooled down and filtered. A normal spoon will give you warm and harsh smoke. At the same time, a bubbler gives you smoother hits. How to use bubblers for best hits? First, you need to fill your bubbler with cold water. You can also use crushed or shaved ice for this purpose. After you are done with this, you need t...